Yes "The Coolest Restaurant In Town" It's The Minetta Tavern, "nothing can touch it" in The Cool Department .. This Gem of a Restaurant has "Thank God" been preserved by Restaurant Master Genius Keith McNally who acquired the space which luckily no-one had foolishly messed with any of the marvelous 1930s Greenwich Village Decor. McNally just spruced the Tavern up and inserted renowned Chefs Riad Nasr and Lee Hanson as Co-Executive Chefs. Keith added his special touch "He's a Master" and the rest is New York Restaurant History . As with most of McNally's establishments Minetta Tavern quickly became the Hottest Restaurant and Hardest Table in Town, filled with: A-List Celebs and all the right people needed to make any place "Thee In-Spot" in town, the place every wants to be. Everyone in the know. In doing so, Keith McNally and his Minetta Tavern quickly became the # 1 Hottest Restaurant in town and dethroned Graydon Carter's "Waverly Inn" as the Top Celebrity Central Restaurant in New York, and a few years down the road, Minetta Tavern still is "The Place to Be."
Photo Daniel Bellino-Zwicke
The place has the most wonderful ambiance imaginable, with tons of energy (from the Crowd), and Very Good Solid Bistro-Steak House Fare, along with two of the top Burgers in Town.
And speaking of the Burgers, take it from an expert "Me" The Minetta Burger is Superior to The Black label Burger which all the "Followers" think is the better of the two "Not." !!! Hey they're followers.
Yes Minetta Tavern is The Coolest Restaurant in town, with wonderful Cool, warm and exciting ambiance, excellent service, and dam good Eats. Check it!
Daniel Bellino Zwicke
Photo Daniel Zwicke