Robin Raisfeld in her story "Trendlet: It's Baloney," this week in New York spark my interest when I say the big beautiful picture of a slice of tasty Mortadella, "King of All Baloneys."
As I read farther into the article, I was so happy to see a picture of a gorgeous "Taylor Ham and Egg Sandwich." And it immediately brought out the in Jerseyite in me. As anyone who grew up or ever lived in New Jersey, they'll tell you of their Love of "Taylor Ham," the unofficial "State Meat." Taylor Ham? Why? Well, first off, Taylor Ham was invented in Trenton New Jersey. It's super tasty. Jerseyites and former ones (like Me) Love it, and you can only get it in New Jersey. More or less. Why? I don't know. Can Jerseyites be smarter than New Yorkers who have never caught on to this wonderful Pork product from the Garden State. After moving to New York some 26 years ago, besides from missing my family, my only other regret of leaving New Jersey, is missing and yearning for my beloved Taylor Ham. You just can't get it in the Big City. Well, hardly ever. Do New Yorkers not like it? Is it reserved for Jerseyites only? Don't know! All I know is I miss it inside a Taylor Ham and Egg Sandwich or on my breakfast plate accompanying a couple fried eggs.
Reading the article and be reminded of my "Long Lost Love," Taylor Ham, I'm also painfully reminded of another recent dumping by a Loved one. That being my beloved "McRib." How I Love it so! After a brief Love Affair with her, way back in 1989. She disappeared! Why? I do not know. And for some 21 years. And then one lovely day last year. It was in October, what day I do not know. She reappeared. Back into my life once again. And the Love Affair was on again. On my part like it never ended. I Loved, as much and more than ever. Forgiving her and not think of the long cruel Separation brought on by her. She had deserted me. But I didn't care. We got together more than 20 times this passed October, November, and was it a few days into December? I do not know. Once again, my beloved McRib disappeared. Into a dark December night. Why? I do not know? I only know that however long it may take. I'l wait. Just please my Love, do not make it another 21 years. My beloved McRib.
by Daniel Bellino Zwicke