Made some Newport Steaks yesterday. Our Favorite Steaks. The Greenwich Village Steak invented by Italian Butcher in Greenwich Village, Jack Ubaldi at his Florence Meat Market on Jones Street in The Village. Not many now of this fine economical Steak cut from the Bottom Sirloin, also known as Tri-Tip ..
The Steaks are tasty and economical. You have to get Prime Meat. There are three butcher shops to get a Newport Steak in New York, all in Greenwich Village (and a Part of Soho that Italians still consider the Village) .. These markets are all Italian Butcher Shops. First off there is Florence Meat Market, the creator of the Newport Steak. They also sell them at Ottomanelli on Bleecker Street, and at Pino's Prime Meat on Sullivan Street. I usally get mine at Pino's or Florence.
to be Continued