October 2012
I'm walking up 5th Avenue, just south of the Flatiron Building in New York, the day after Hurricane Sandy hit New York around 8 PM the previous night. The storm knock-out all Electricity below 26th Street in New York, which included my apartment in Greenwich Village.
I knew they had electricity above 26th street so I went on a quest in search of Coffee, food, and electricity to charge the batteries in my Laptop Computer, my tablet, and Cel Phone. I thought I'd be able to fulfill these requirements at a Starbucks somewhere, but Star Bucks failed me and all of New York by not being able to pull together crews to open at least 2 or 3 of their stores in Midtown Manhattan. Starbucks Failed New York and the people of the city of NY at a time when we needed them most, during Hurricane Sandy. Satrbucks SUCKS ! And they do not have an excuse that because of the hurricane, they couldn't open any of their locations, McDonald's did, and if they did, Starbucks should have been able to and they didn't. They probably didn't even try, they Suck. I've never really liked Starbucks, and I don't support them, and this I will never forget or forgive Starbucks for not helping New Yorker's when we needed it most, during Hurricane Sandy. If McDonalds was able to open some of there locations and they did and I went to one and had a large coffee and a Black Angus Cheeseburger and used the Wifi and that really helped me out, and helped the people of New York, so once again I want to say STARBUCKS SUCK, you Failed the people of NEW YORK when we needed you most.
So anyway, I couldn't find one dam Starbucks open. Those SOBs. I did find a McDonalds and had a nice time there. Before I went to the McDonald's in midtown, I went up to The Waldorf Astoria Hotel and plopped myself down in the lobby of the Waldorf for a couple hours, hung-out,and charged my batteries and had a great time there.
I left the Waldorf and as I was walking from east to west, I came upon a McDonald's that was open, so I went in. I ordered a large Coffee and a Black Angus Cheeseburger and I was in business. I sat down and enjoyed my coffee and burger, and I was happy.
Calm Before The STORM
October 2012
Most peopel probably don't think about it, but for many of us (Millions) Coffee is one of the most important and loved things in all our lives. It's almost a necessity to many. We all must air to breath, and water, and food to survive, clothing, and the shelter of a home and roof over our heads, and after these absolute necessities to actually staying alive, to live, Coffee comes right after these things taht are an absolute must to staying alive. Yes, Coffee is an option, but the # 1 most popular, "Must Have" options to living a happy life, "We've got to have IT." We gotta have our Coffee in the morning, and thorughout the day, but we have to have tht first cup to get us going in the morning, and if we don't, we're not happy campers.
The day Hurricane Hit New York, we (New Yorker's) wanted food, shelter, we wanted Electricity, some of us had it, and some didn't. I for one was one who didn't have electricity, and we were without it for 5 days, but I for one made due. Well, not just me, a few million of us in the New York Metropolitan area. Anyway, again, I must reiterate, Starbucks failed us on this day when they could have and should have served us well. They didn't, and for this, I say again, STARBUCKS SUCKS ! Do you hear me Starbucks? You SUCK !
So, I walked from my home in Greenwich Village. I walked up Sixth Avenue in search of Coffee, Food, and Electricity. I did find all 3 eventually, but not at Starbucks, do you know why? Starbucks Sucks, that's why. McDonalds managed to open a couple locations, but Stabucks didn't, they were all closed. Starbucks didn't serve New Yorkers coffee when they needed it more than ever, they Suck.
Anyway, I wanted to go to The Ace Hotel to get coffee and electricity, but they weren't letting anyone other than guest to go into the hotel, so I continued on looking for a Starbucks, which I found, but they were all closed, Starbucks couldn't manage to at least open a couple Starbucks, the way the McDonald's Corporation did, serving New Yorker's when they needed it most, McDonald's came through, Starbucks didn't. Starbucks SUCKS !